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  • 13 Realms | Energy Sprays Symphony Collection

13 Realms | Energy Sprays Symphony Collection

Original price was: €311.56.Current price is: €234.99.

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De 13 Rijken Symphony Collectie

13 Energy Sprays voor genezing, balans en transformatie

Maak gebruik van de transformerende kracht van de 13 Rijken The Shamanic Nature of God” Symphony Collectie (13 Energy Sprays – Miron Violet Glas 100ml flesjes)

Een serie van frequentiegecodeerde 13 Energy Sprays ontworpen om je te helpen je energieveld uit te lijnen, te helen en te verhogen.

Elke spray in deze serie is verbonden met een SNG rijk en doordrenkt met een unieke frequentiecode, gemaakt om te helpen de diepere energieën van het universum aan te boren. Van heilige geometrische patronen tot de wijsheid van oude helende tradities, met elke spray verbonden met een van de 13 chakra’s, brengen ze de kracht van de meest krachtige energieën van de natuur in je ruimte en aura.

Met slechts een paar sprays activeren ze een subtiele maar krachtige verschuiving. Deze sprays dienen als brug tussen het fysieke en energetische rijk, reinigen je omgeving, ruimen energetische blokkades op en optimaliseren je verbinding met je hoogste zelf.

Of je nu aarding, helderheid, bescherming of een diepere spirituele verbinding zoekt, deze sprays bieden een pad naar meer balans en verhoogd bewustzijn.

Included: Universal Heart Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Cultivates love, compassion, and harmonious connection to all beings.
The Sami Realm – Universal Heart Chakra
Activation Codes: Aurora Flow & Universal Love.

Embodies universal love and compassionate bonds.
Mantra; “In the radiant glow of the Aurora Flow, I am a vessel of universal love, connected to the sacred dance of the Sami people and the enchanting spirit of the Reindeer. With an open heart, I honor the mystical tapestry of existence, embracing the divine essence that unites us all.”

Included: Stellar Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Related to cosmic awareness and higher spiritual understanding.
The Nostradamus Realm – Stellar Gateway Chakra
Activation Codes: Prophetic Insight & Cosmic Gateway.

Connection to universal consciousness
Mantra; “I embrace the gift of Prophetic Insight and trust the intuitive wisdom that flows through me, unveiling the mysteries of higher dimensions. My mind is a vessel for profound insights, and I welcome the unfolding of my own prophetic potential.”

Included: Seat of The Soul Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Connect with the spirit world, exploring higher consciousness, and tapping into spiritual reality.
The Norse Realm – Soul Star Chakra
Activation Codes: Spirit Alchemy & Soul Purpose.

Associated with your higher self, divine purpose, and soul contracts.
Mantra; “In the crucible of Spirit Alchemy, I transmute challenges into spiritual gold, awakening my inner strength and heightened spiritual awareness. I am aligned with the transformative energies of Galdra-Loftur’s tradition and connected to my Soul’s Purpose.”

Included: Origin of The Soul Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Travel to various (past) lives to find the causal factors that limit your present.
The Aztec Realm – Causal Chakra
Activation Codes: Conscious Journey & Causal Healing.

Associated with the Akashic records, karmic patterns, and past-life experiences.
Mantra; “In the Nagual’s Conscious Journey, I become the Jaguar’s essence, unlocking ancient wisdom.. Guided by mystical practices, I navigate past-life realms, unveiling the tapestry of my soul’s history. With every conscious breath, I embrace self-discovery and spiritual sovereignty.”

Included: Conscious Crown Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Connects to universal consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.
The Tibetan Realm – Crown Chakra
Activation Codes: Fearless Insight Illumination & Cosmic Crown.

Blissful transcendence and inner peace.
Mantra; “In the fearless light of my own insight, I courageously confront my deepest fears, transcending limitations and gaining transformative wisdom. Aligned with the Machig Labdrön, I am illuminated on the path of Fearless Insight Illumination.”

Included: Pure Vision Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Deepen intuition, enhance perception, and connection with spiritual realms.
The Inuit Realm – Third Eye Chakra
Activation Codes: Polar Serenity & Pure Vision.

Related to intuition, psychic abilities, and inner wisdom.
Mantra; “In the tranquil embrace of Polar Serenity, I open my 3rd eye to the wisdom of the Arctic realms. Guided by the spirit of the Inuit Shaman, I navigate the vast landscapes of serenity within, finding clarity and insight in the stillness.”

Included: Pure Communication Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Enhance spiritual communication and expressive abilities.
The Andean Realm – Throat Chakra
Activation Codes: Chakana Frequency & Cosmic Truth.

Clarity in expression and connection.
Mantra; “With the resonance of the Chakana Frequency, I unleash the power of my voice, echoing the wisdom of the Andes and the spirit of the Condor. My throat chakra vibrates in harmony with the sacred crossroads, and as I sing my truth, I weave a melody that reverberates through the heart of Pacha Mama. I am a sacred echo, a harmonious note in the cosmic song of Andean spirituality.”

Included: Higher Heart Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Embrace unconditional love, compassion, and spiritual growth.
The Maori Realm – Higher Heart Chakra
Activation Codes: Ancestral Rhythm & Spark of God.

Focuses on divine love, healing, and higher emotions.
Mantra; “I align with the mesmerizing Ancestral Rhythm, syncing my heartbeat with the sacred pulse of Papatūānuku. As a guardian of the land, I embrace unity through the Higher Heart, guided by the wisdom of the Whale. My existence weaves into the infinite unconditional love for all there is and as I am worthy of universal love I am complete.”

Included: Love Infusion Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Radiate love, compassion, and healing energy, aligning with the theme of divination.
The Mazatec Realm – Heart Chakra
Activation Codes: Love Infusion & Heart Frequency.

Linked to love, compassion, and harmonious relationships.
Mantra; “Infused by love, I activate my Heart Chakra, symbolized by the transformative Butterfly. My sacred journey brings forth an alchemy of love, transcending boundaries and initiating a profound metamorphosis within my heart.”

Included: Solar Fire Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Access personal power and ancestral wisdom, and rediscover self-worth.
The Iboga Realm – Solar Plexus Chakra
Activation Codes: Ancestral Insight & Ignition of Inner Fire.

Associated with personal power, confidence, and self-esteem.
Mantra; “I honor the wisdom of my ancestors, awakening the power within my Solar Plexus, my Inner Fire.Like the Elephant’s memory, Ancestral Insight guides me to understand and embrace the rich tapestry of my heritage.”

Included: Sacral Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Governs creativity, sensuality, and emotional balance.
The Huna Realm – Sacral Chakra
Activation Codes: Mana Dance & Sacred Sanctuary.

Embracing sensuality and authenticity.
Mantra; “I joyously dance to the rhythm of life, allowing the Mana Dance to awaken the creative energies within my Sacral Chakra. Guided by the spirit of the Dolphin, I embrace the flow of inspiration, celebrating the endless possibilities that creativity brings
into my existence.”

Included: Root Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Connects you to survival, basic needs, and physical security.
The Lakota Sioux Realm – Root Chakra
Activation Codes: Vision Quest & Root Warrior.

Triumph and resilience.
Mantra; “I embrace the spirit of visionary exploration within me, aligning with the energy of Crazy Horse. My Root Chakra is grounded in the Earth’s wisdom, and I soar like the majestic Eagle, gaining deeper insights and profound experiences. I trust the quest for wisdom and transformation, connecting with the roots of my existence and the guidance of the spiritual realm.”

Included: Mountain Star Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Connects you to the Earth's energy and is associated with grounding and stability.
The Siberian Realm – Earth Star Chakra
Activation Codes: Mountain Star Vibration & Earth Star.

Liberation and lightness.
Mantra; “I align with the Mountain Star Vibration, grounding myself in the ancient wisdom of Siberian Shamanism. The Earth Star Chakra resonates within me, a cosmic link to primal energies. With the spirit of the Bear as my guide, I embark on a transformative journey, embracing strength, wisdom, and the secrets of the mountains. I am attuned to the celestial dance, and with each step, I embody the essence of the Mountain Star.”

Contents: x13 Energy Sprays – Miron Violet Glass 100ml each bottle

TIP: Spray yourself and or your space before meditating with the Activations.

Hold the spray over your head and close your eyes. Spray 2 to 3 times in circles in the auric field. Hold your breath for a few seconds while doing this and feel how the frequency changes within you.

The spray comes in a special bottle made of Miron Violet Glass.
This high-quality glass has the following advantages:

Light protection: blocks harmful visible light.
UV protection: inhibits the growth of microorganisms and promotes spray shelf life and quality.
Energy conservation: retains the energetic vibrations of substances.

Adults: use the sprays every four hours and a total of three to four times a day.
Children 4 years and older: use the sprays no more than once a day, preferably in the morning.
Children under 4 years of age: use only in areas, not on the body.

Energy Sprays are not intended to be ingested.

What are the ingredients of the Energy Sprays?
Our Energy Spray is composed of 100% natural, essential oils carefully selected for their purity and healing properties. We use only the finest ingredients to provide a powerful and effective spray.

How exactly does the Energy Spray work to increase my frequency?
The Energy Spray is specially designed to activate the frequency in the auric field around your body to a higher vibration. This happens through the combination of oils and the charged Sacred Geometry frequency. It helps you feel protected and balanced, and promotes spiritual growth and deeper consciousness.

Is the Energy Spray safe for use on my body and in my environment?
Yes, the Energy Spray is safe for use on your body and in your environment.
We use only natural ingredients with no harmful chemicals.
However, it is advisable to always check the ingredient list before use, especially if you are sensitive to certain substances.

Can I use the Energy Spray on a regular basis?
Adults: use the spray every four hours and a total of three to four times a day.
Children 4 years and older: use the spray no more than once a day, preferably in the morning.
Children under 4 years of age: use only for spaces, not for the body.

To experience long-lasting effects, we recommend using the Energy Spray regularly as part of your daily routine or whenever you feel the need for increased frequency.

I am skeptical about the effectiveness of energetic products.
Although there are limited scientific studies on energetic products, many people believe they have positive effects on the body’s well-being and energy. Our Energy Spray is designed with attention to the principles of energetic balance and is backed by positive experiences from satisfied customers.

I have already tried other methods to increase my frequency and they have not worked. Why would the Energy Spray be any different?
What makes the Energy Spray different is the unique combination of naturally pure oils and charged sacred geometry frequencies specifically designed to raise your frequency. The sprays are generally designed to activate your auric field and positively affect your energy. Although experiences may vary from person to person, many people have reported positive results after using our Energy Sprays.

I am afraid that the Energy Spray is only a temporary solution and my frequency will drop again once I stop using it.
It is understandable that you are looking for long-term results. While the Energy Spray may indeed have a temporary effect, regular use can help you achieve and maintain a more balanced frequency.
It can be a valuable part of your daily routine to keep your energy balanced.
You can also explore other methods and practices that can support you in maintaining an increased frequency, such as meditation, breathing exercises and positive affirmations.

You can find all the information on this at

I have sensitive skin/allergies. Is the Energy Spray suitable for my skin type?
We understand your concern, especially if you have sensitive skin.
Although the Energy Spray is made from naturally pure ingredients, it is important to check the ingredient list carefully to identify any allergens or irritants.
When in doubt, use the Spray only for in space and not on your skin ( same as for children under 4 years old).

Contents: x3 Energy Sprays – Miron Violet Glass 100ml bottles

Included: Universal Heart Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Weight 0.224 kg
Dimensions 15 × 5 × 5 cm

Included: Stellar Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Weight 0.224 kg
Dimensions 15 × 5 × 5 cm

Included: Seat of The Soul Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Weight 0.224 kg
Dimensions 15 × 5 × 5 cm

Included: Origin of The Soul Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Weight 0.224 kg
Dimensions 15 × 5 × 5 cm

Included: Conscious Crown Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Weight 0.224 kg
Dimensions 15 × 5 × 5 cm

Included: Pure Vision Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Weight 0.224 kg
Dimensions 15 × 5 × 5 cm

Included: Pure Communication Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Weight 0.224 kg
Dimensions 15 × 5 × 5 cm

Included: Higher Heart Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Weight 0.224 kg
Dimensions 15 × 5 × 5 cm

Included: Love Infusion Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Weight 0.224 kg
Dimensions 15 × 5 × 5 cm

Included: Solar Fire Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Weight 0.224 kg
Dimensions 15 × 5 × 5 cm

Included: Sacral Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Weight 0.224 kg
Dimensions 15 × 5 × 5 cm

Included: Root Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Weight 0.224 kg
Dimensions 15 × 5 × 5 cm

Included: Mountain Star Symphony - Energy Spray 100ml

Weight 0.224 kg
Dimensions 15 × 5 × 5 cm


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