Radiation: Energetic Damage

What can we do?

In nature, it is well established that each atom and molecule has its own vibrational number.
This is based on smaller particles that relate to each other in a certain way, creating a molecular structure.
In a perfect state, that structure is geometric.

This is what Plato stated in his time: the entire universe is composed of geometry.
We see this not only around us. We humans, too, conform to the profile.
Our cells, organs, the dimensions of our bodies; everything is geometrically connected.

Electromagnetic radiation (EMS) disrupts this geometric structure.
It consists of frequencies with varying energetic amplitudes.
Think of it as pulsations used to transport digital information at lightning speed from one place to another.
The invention of EMS has given us television, cellular telephony, and wireless Internet (WiFi), among other things.
We use them widely every day, but the question is: at what cost?

And that’s where the magic of the Transmitter Device Tag comes in.

Think of it as your personal bodyguard, your knight in shining armor – without the clunky helmet and clumsy horse.
It is the hero who comes between you and those pesky EMFs and says, “Stand back, Zappy! This one is under my protection!”
In all seriousness, this little device is designed to protect you from the possible negative effects of EMFs and help you maintain your physical and emotional balance.

Effect of electromagnetic radiation

When we connect to the Internet with our phones or tablets, our device itself has become a radiation source.
We hold that radiation source on our lap (laptop/tablet) or against our head (phone).
Obviously, this is unnatural and science has already shown that EMS has negative effects on our cell divisions.
The radiation puts us at increased risk of cancer, brain damage, and infertility.

It is also known that the brains of newborns, toddlers, and infants are many times more sensitive to EMS than the brains of adults.
In children, not only do countless cell divisions take place in the brain, but nerve cells must also migrate to their final location.
All sorts of connections still need to be made, a process that can be disrupted by EMS.
Too much exposure to electromagnetic radiation can cause a child to grow up with behavioral abnormalities such as autism, ADHD, and dyslexia.

How EMS will affect our generation 20 to 30 years from now, I don’t know, but I don’t expect it to make us happy.
Above all, it worries me that we will become increasingly dependent on digital communication and that there must be WiFi in every home, office, and restaurant.
Let alone that it all has to be even faster and we are now moving to the fifth generation of mobile networks (5G), which means even more radiation.

Reflection: How often do I use mobile internet?


Effects on the energy field

Besides the physical impact, we must not forget that EMS primarily affects our energy field.
It reduces our energetic resistance and makes us emotionally tired and restless.
As a result, we have weaker boundaries, less concentration and are more susceptible to anxiety and negativity.

The annoying thing is that we get little to no recognition for this in business, even though we are expected to perform at 100% all days of the week.
People who complain about the impact of a transmission tower should, in my opinion, be taken seriously.
Their problem is not an excuse not to work.
They are genuinely bothered by the radiation and are less able to concentrate because of it.

It’s hard to keep the distinction when you’re all in the same radiation field.
I can know because I have experienced the difference myself.
Several years in a row, I went to Siberia in the summer, where I trekked on horseback through the most inhospitable areas.
In the mountains of Altaj – also called the “Russian Tibet” – I was surrounded by beautiful, unspoiled nature.
It is an area free of radiation (and you notice it).
After just a few days you feel how the energy of nature heals and lifts you, something we experience much less strongly in the civilized world.

In Siberia I felt great, like some kind of spiritual supreme being.
There was no more noise. Everything around me was clear.
I felt totally relaxed and light as a feather.
Even on the physically demanding journey, I did not get tired at all.

Back in the ordinary world that quickly subsided.
Already at the Moscow airport I collapsed and felt my energy field shrinking.
I felt myself getting smaller. I felt unsafe!
And at the first phone call on my cell phone, it was as if a few hundred pins were pinned in my head.
I got an acute headache and had difficulty concentrating on the phone call.
I also picked up a certain relapse in my fellow travelers, as if we had agreed on the spot to feel down.

Reflection: How often do I expose myself to radiation?


Warning signals

A while back, I spoke with someone who was concerned about the placement of a 5G mast on the roof of the building where his company is located.
The thought of having to work daily in a radiation zone gave him the creeps. I could only agree with him.
The planned transition to 5G is purely to satisfy consumer demands.
It makes big business a lot of money. Network providers and wireless equipment makers can get by for the next few years.
That’s while we still don’t have an answer to how big the harmful effects of EMS are and how to reduce them.

There are a number of signs that alert you to the effects of radiation.
The most obvious is having trouble concentrating.
If you have this daily, not for a moment but for several hours at a time, you should be alert.
Migraines, nausea, chronic fatigue and nagging pain in muscles and joints are also warning signs.

Of course, I can’t ignore cancer in this story.
After all, we are talking about radiation and its negative impact on our cell divisions.
However, cancer is very sensitive and therefore I prefer not to draw conclusions.

There is currently a lot of research being done on EMS and to what extent it affects our health, from microwaves to transmission towers.
Scientists are constantly debating with each other, and I don’t feel called upon to participate in the battle of “who is right.
However, I do raise the question of whether we should really strive for higher upload and download speeds when, on the other hand, we still know so little about cancer and how to cure it.
It feels a bit like wanting to fly in a state-of-the-art aircraft without fully understanding how the laws of nature work.

A good test to see if you are suffering from the effects of EMS is to compare it to a hangover.
If you have ever had this, you know what the symptoms are.
Think heavy head, nauseous feeling, weak and burned out body.
Your movements are sluggish and somewhat painful. In fact, you would prefer to stay in bed all day.
If you have this often (without drinking, of course), you should actually go to the woods or beach immediately to feel if the feeling changes immediately.

Trigger: Do I think faster Internet is more important than my health?


Remedy for the future

For many years I toyed with the thought of doing something against radiation.
I fantasized about what my contribution to a healthier home and work situation would look like.
From my experience with geometry (my art is built from it) I know how positively we respond to geometric shapes and patterns.
It activates in us the ability to energetically restore that which has become out of balance.

The funny thing was that I had my epiphany in Altaj, far outside the radiation area of the inhabited world.
It was there where I saw how I could contribute to my own energetic health and that of others.
Also, I saw that I first had to let go of my aversion to EMS in order to arrive at something of value.
I had to see it not as something to fight, but rather as a means to achieve what I want.

WiFi is nothing but an energetic network.
Energy fields connected through frequencies, it’s as simple as that.
The radiation released is not the problem, in my opinion.
It is the energy imparted to the radiation that determines whether it makes you sick or not.
Compare it to radio transmitters: by themselves they are not a threat.
It is what you hear through the transmitters that affects you.
Is the source focused on love, connection, harmony…? Or is the source focused on money, influence, dominance…?

The question we need to ask ourselves: what frequencies are we transmitting to each other?
A frequency that heals or a frequency that breaks down?
This issue motivated me to develop some products that you use the WiFi network to spread a positive energy.
Basically, you do two things: neutralize destructive frequencies in your home and add positive frequencies.
These conform to geometric values, making them inspiring and healing.

Imagine the following: the radiation you are exposed to every day does not break down anything but rather feeds you.
It is an accelerator for your mental and spiritual growth.
You use it for greater focus, self-confidence, self-love. In a field of light you are lifted up, just like in nature.
Positive super-radiation, shall we say. It just might be the remedy of the future.

Reflection: what energy would I like to have around me every day?